“This Week in the Hollow” is a weekly series sharing glimpses of the adventures from our simple life in the hollow.
2 Corinthians 12:9
With the last weeks of the homeschool year in sight and the beginning weeks of planting season upon us, this mama is staying even busier than usual. Being a mother comes with great responsibilities. It is one of the most important missions and ministries we could ever be a part of. Whether you have birthed your little ones yourself or adopted them into your family, the experience throughout motherhood is like no other.
It evolves over time and adapts during the changing seasons. On bad days, it stretches you to the outer limits. On good days, you feel like you’re on top of the world.
The work we do during this season reaps eternal rewards not just for our children, but for ourselves and even our spouses. It is a powerful mission that can positively impact generations to come.
Ephesians 2:10
It can be tough staying positive when you have piles of laundry and dishes to do, dinner to prepare, or a screaming child to comfort. You may frequently feel behind before you even start your day.
Meditating on God’s Word helps to calm anxiety and strengthen our hearts to face the day’s challenges ahead.
Deuteronomy 6:7-9
Deuteronomy 31:8
We must be diligent and patient for the fruit we seek to cultivate is meant to grow over time. For some, it is something we prepare for all of our lives. For others, like me, it is on the job training!
Find comfort in knowing that the Lord goes before you and gives you the tools necessary to succeed in your calling.
Galatians 5:22-24
Psalm 32:8
Trust me when I say, you are NOT alone! God sees us and our daily struggles. God’s Word is a constant resource for encouragement. When read and studied daily, and meditated on often, then purposefully implemented, His Word is alive and active in every part of our lives.
Psalm 55:22
Hebrews 13:20-21
Social media when left unchecked, can cause some of us to stumble through the comparison game and other unhealthy distractions. It can cause us to mindlessly scroll our devices and before we know it, half the day has been wasted. Which can make us feel defeated and can snowball into more negative thoughts.
Practice transforming your negative thoughts into those that are honoring to the Lord. Take frequent breaks from technology and get outside into nature to clear your mind. Take the negativity captive & redirect them to thoughts and words that are edifying to you and those around you in your home, your work place, and in your communities.
Philippians 4:6-8
Romans 12:2
There are a lot of things that need to be taken care of in a day. But if you are like me, I will keep adding a little here and a little there, until my list is too much for me to handle alone. Even on my best days.
Learn to delegate the smaller tasks, create boundaries, ask for help, and/or remove the superficial tasks all together.
Evaluate what is most important and tend to those priorities first. You may find that those non-essential tasks were not that important to begin with and were just weighing you down. Learn to let go of the things that don’t really matter for the bigger picture.
1 Peter 5:7
God equips us for all the changes that accompany raising little ones. From primary care provider during the infant stage. To full time teacher during the adolescent stage. To counselor and confidant during the adult stage. As our children change and grow, we become more aware of the changes that are occurring within ourselves.
Philippians 1:6
Proverbs 31:25
Proverbs 3:5-6
With the current state of the world and the mainstream media’s attempt to highlight all the negativity that comes with a fallen world, it is easy to get sucked into the fear that they are determined to push.
But remember, if we trust in Jesus, we can claim victory in Him! The same power that conquered the grave is the same power that lives within each of us who believe. He has already overcome the world!
Don’t let the troubles of this world make you lose your way or your hope. Fix your eyes on the One alone who has the solution.
Isaiah 41:10
Isaiah 26:3-4
2 Timothy 1:7
Whatever season of motherhood you are currently in, I hope that you will find joy in the journey, encouragement in God’s Word, and beauty in His creation all around us.
It’s not about striving for perfection or simply surviving. It’s about the redeeming and transforming power of God’s LOVE and amazing GRACE.
Don’t allow the pursuit of perfection or the fear of failure keep you from experiencing the full inheritance that awaits you as a daughter of the One True King.
Proverbs 31:28
Stay the course and keep your light shining bright, my friend.
Have a blessed Mother’s Day!
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