I am a week behind on this post, but better late than never, right? (smile) Our family was due a vacation from the hollow and our family road trip to Texas did not disappoint. So many emotions flooded this mama’s heart! Missing our precious boy, yet trying to enjoy our time as a family and still be thankful for the blessings we still have. I won’t lie! These past 4 months have been a growing process. There is an adjustment period and taking a break from our regular routine was good for us all.
The family had planned to attend the East Mini Shindig Christian Retreat in Palestine, TX. It was the first time the littles visited the Lone Star state. Some friends were speaking at the event and since we weren’t comfortable sending our bigger littles to a local camp on their own, we decided to pack up the tribe and make the trek to camp where we all could enjoy the experience.  We were there for 3 plus days and stayed in a “dorm” with 12 bunk beds per room. (smile) After pool time, a little volleyball practice, gaga ball, canoeing, hammocking, hiking, daily sessions, service, and a “ball” which was like an old fashioned Ho Down, complete with the theme song from Seven Brides for Seven Brothers at camp (which btw, happens to be one of my favorite movies), we drove the hour and a half to, you guessed it, Magnolia Silos! Virtual high five!
It had been a couple of years since I last visited TX for a Leader’s Retreat, but I was flying solo that year and my tribe stayed back and held down the fort, while Mama got to enjoy some time off. It was such a blessing and part of my victory trip after battling an aggressive form of cancer that tripled in size in two short months. Scary, I know! It is still amazing how remarkable my recovery has been. It is a true testament to what naturally supporting your body can do! The Lord carried us through that tough battle and continues to carry us through our recent devastating loss!
I know this may come as a shock, but we did more than just visit the Silos on this trip. So you’ll have to come back to hear more details on the next installments of “This Week in the Hollow” series.
The line at the bakery was ridiculously long and I am sure that their decadent treats were worth the hour wait, but we passed and enjoyed some time playing on the green AstroTurf.  And by “we”, I mean hubby & the littles & their snow cones.  I was inside going Live on my instastories.  Hahaha! There were so many people crowding all over the place. It made me wonder if any of them “worked.” It was like a Monday and midday, at that! (shocked)
I had to take a picture near the green jeep! I didn’t even know what The Silos were when I visited last, so I missed the green jeep and the #MilestoMagnolia sign too. Such a rookie mistake. Ha! Wasn’t making that mistake again. (smile)  Believe it or not, the first time I saw a HGTV Fixer Upper episode was during my chemo treatments and cancer battle in 2015. We haven’t had cable since 2007.  Needless to say, I loved Chip and Joanna Gaines’ show and farmhouse style.
Wish I could transport this lovely outdoor scene to my garden in the hollow. Â So much beautiful inspiration!
I think these pictures say a lot about what I LOVE! Do you see a theme and what caught my eye the most? (smile)  I guess you could call me a nature lover or outdoor plant lady.  Ha!
This would look so nice in the hollow, don’t you think?  (wink)
I feel a DIY coming soon!
See that yellow cherry tomato. It was delicious! (smile)
This trip was quite a treat to be able to bring the family to enjoy the sights and fun adventures along with me. It was an early birthday gift to me. (wink)  If you haven’t visited TX, I highly recommend it. I actually lived in TX for several years before moving to Hawaii and my oldest was born in TX. So it holds a special place in my heart!
Have you been able to visit The Silos yet? Share in the comments some of your favorite memories from your visit.
Until the next time, remember to ENJOY the journey!
Isaiah 26:3-4
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